
Implementation of an ERP system

L’adoption réussie d’un ERP par les collaborateurs de l’entreprise

Implementing an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a challenge, knowing that only one out of two companies succeeds. Beyond the digitalization of the entity (internal networking), often associated with the deployment of the ERP, let’s analyze the key success factors for adopting an ERP, including :

  • Listening to the field and co-construction against the backdrop of business lines and needs.
  • Support and change management, through communication, training and management.


What is an ERP ?

Beyond the acronym, an ERP assembles different modules, with various functionalities, linked to a single database. These applications meet business needs: finance, accounting, purchasing, payroll, inventory, logistics, CRM, e-commerce, etc.

ERP is both:

  • The skeleton of the company’s major processes,
  • Customized bricks assembled around the data,
  • A tool for consolidating business rules.

Its purpose is to centralize and structure information in the company, hence the importance of the single database.


How to choose an ERP ?

There is no such thing as good or bad ERP software, but there are solutions that are better adapted to certain trades and to the company’s needs.

The involvement of the users from the beginning of the project of the installation of an ERP, is fundamental. They are the ones who will contribute to its adoption and accelerate its deployment… They are the voice of the field. They will help determine the different user profiles. Indeed, the management’s point of view alone is not enough. It is this profiling of users, and therefore of the different functions/populations, that enables the ERP tree structure (the bricks) to be determined, in response to real needs.

 An ERP is not imposed! It must be built together in order to achieve unanimity.


What communication and training should be provided before adopting an ERP ?

Once the ERP has been chosen, whether it is an off-the-shelf software package or a specific development of customized modules, the two priorities are the communication plan and the training strategy.

The elaboration of a communication plan, whether global (at the company level) and/or business level, stems from the definition of user profiles. It also takes into account the impacts, risks, etc. The idea is to provide a framework and mobilize people to get on board. And here, management has a role to play!
It is a matter of communicating the reasons for the change or the reason for the change. The objective is to bring people on board, to get them to adhere and to engage them. To do this, the stakes and the purpose must be understood and accepted.

As for the training strategy, it involves developing a skills development plan, via face-to-face sessions with “solution experts” and e-learning training content. The final objective is to ensure the autonomy of future users. This is measured by a good understanding and daily application of the new business rules.

Train with K-STUDIO from Knowmore

K-STUDIO is an e-learning authoring software to create training content for your ERP modules. More flexible and cost-effective than a training environment, these interactive and 100% realistic learning capsules allow for hands-on training in classroom, remote or e-learning environments, guaranteeing a high retention rate of learners.

When to deploy an ERP ?

You can’t implement an ERP without a deployment strategy. To define it, nothing beats field experience. Once again, the right sampling of a pilot population is essential to test the ERP implementation in an optimal way.

Once the strategy has been defined and the experimentation by test users has been completed, the generalization of the ERP deployment is possible. Each new wave of deployment will follow the guidelines of the kit, while being piloted and enriched by the “field” experiences encountered.


How to successfully adopt an ERP ?

ERP adoption covers two concepts:

  • The proper use of the tool,
  • The correct application of the rules and processes defined in the ERP.

These indicators of learning and good practices are to be followed in a dashboard of adoption. This should allow for the qualitative measurement of the quality of the data entered and the quantitative measurement of the frequency of use of the solution.

Guide with K-NOW from Knowmore

K-NOW, digital adaptation platform, guides your teams in the adoption of your ERP modules. Like an application GPS, intelligent guidance, alerts, notifications, feedback, but also onboarding, real-time guided tours… everything is there for an easy and fluid learning curve.

The Analytics – the tool for measuring the ROI of an ERP

To ensure an optimal implementation of an ERP, it is essential to integrate an adapted monitoring through a set of key performance indicators (KPI). These KPIs will allow project leaders to be more reactive in implementing corrective actions in order to continuously improve the adoption of the ERP by users. These corrective actions can take the form of additional training, process review, screen customization optimization or targeted communication.
KPI monitoring, via a dedicated dashboard, allows to measure

  • The degree of familiarity with the ERP,
  • The efficiency gain of the users in the realization of a task.
Drive with K-VALUE from Knowmore

Our K-VALUE solution maps usage and gives business teams the keys to take the appropriate corrective actions to improve the user experience of your ERP. These actions include training, guidance enhancement, application configuration improvement, business process review…

The successful adoption of an ERP system is measured by :

  • the widespread use of the tool within the company
  • the application of new business rules (simple, complex or occasional)

Clearly, when the new ERP becomes the reference tool, the company can consider that the adoption is successful!

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