E procurement software : 3 steps to the perfect tutorial

Freight quote request abstract concept vector illustration. Shipping proposal, freight request form, instant quote, submission letter, customs service, worldwide logistics abstract metaphor.

85% of the jobs of 2030 do not yet exist, according to a study by Pôle Emploi. Artificial intelligence, robotics, metavers: new technologies and new tools are multiplying. So much so that, according to a Cegos study 43% of employees feel they no longer have the skills they need to do their jobs effectively. So, to get your teams on board and prepare for this transition, the first step could well be to create your own tailor-made tutorial.

Everyone working in the purchasing function knows how important it is to master the digital tools associated with this activity. However, it can be difficult for your staff and suppliers to adapt to the digitalization of the Purchasing function, and to understand how to use steering, e-sourcing or e-procurement software effectively. Tutorials are an effective way of helping your teams get to grips with their purchasing information system. Whether you want to learn how to publish a project grid on Synertrade, select a budget on Ivalua or add order lines on Oracle, step-by-step tutorials guide your users through each stage.

Set objectives that meet specific needs

To create an effective tutorial, it’s important to start by identifying your users’ needs and determining the objectives you want to achieve. Ask yourself the right questions to understand the real needs behind this SI Purchasing software training. For example, why do you need a tutorial? What specific challenges do your employees, managers and partners face when using your software? By answering these questions, you can define concrete objectives for your tutorial. You’ll then be able to promote the automation of procurement processes on your e-procurement software, and facilitate the management of calls for tender on your e-sourcing software.

The tutorial can also teach employees to centralize data on their procurement software to avoid human error. This training will in fact improve users’ performance and commitment to their procurement software tools. This performance gain will de facto reduce training and support costs for the procurement software.

Training on Ivalua’s procurment software

If you want to create a tutorial to train your users in Ivalua’s Purchasing IS, but don’t know how to identify their needs and define the objectives of your tutorial, here are a few steps to follow.

First of all, you need to ask yourself three questions:

  • What are the software’s essential functions?
  • What are the sticking points for your users?
  • What are the most common errors already identified with Ivalua?

Once you’ve identified your users’ needs, you can define the objectives of your tutorial. For example, you could help your users to :

  • Create a contract
  • Evaluate purchases
  • Search for purchase requisitions
  • Create a purchase requisition
  • Send a purchase order to a supplier

Creating your procurement software tutorial

As always, to create an effective tutorial for your Purchasing IS, start by determining your users’ needs. This fundamental step will enable you to define the objectives of your tutorial and select the topics to be covered. Then consult your teams to see if documentation already exists that could serve as a basis for your tutorial. Finally, use visual content such as images, GIFs and videos to make your tutorial more dynamic. Learning is most effective when it’s experienced as a game, not a constraint. For this reason, don’t hesitate to take a leaf out of serious game’s book.

Once the tutorial has been created, it will need to be tested with a group of users, who will be asked to share their comments and suggestions. This feedback will provide the material needed to make the necessary adjustments before distributing the tutorial to the whole team.

Train with K-STUDIO by Knowmore

K-STUDIO is an e-learning authoring software that enables you to create 100% realistic, interactive training content to help you master your Purchasing IS. More flexible and cost-effective than a training environment, these pedagogical capsules enable hands-on training in the classroom, at a distance or via e-learning.


Measure your ROI

The last essential step in setting up your tutorial is to measure its results. To do this, you must deploy monitoring and measurement tools in order to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your tutorial. It is therefore necessary to first establish performance indicators (KPIs) in relation to your objectives to measure the effectiveness of your tutorial. You will thus be able to evaluate whether your tutorial is effective and whether it meets the needs identified and the objectives established during the first step. The important thing is to ensure that the tutorial facilitates more effective use of the Purchasing IS by users and that it allows for a better digital experience and better engagement on the Procurement software.

Guide with K-NOW by Knowmore

K-NOW, a digital adoption platform, guides your teams in the adoption of modules of your Purchasing IS, such as an application GPS. Intelligent guidance, alerts, notifications, feedback but also onboarding panel and guided tours in real time… Everything is there for easy and smooth handling.


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