Can digital tools improve the HR experience for employees?

HR experience

Human Resources are often perceived as inter-personal relations. It might therefore seem paradoxical that digital tools could enhance the HR experience of employees. Yet, tools, whether digital or not, never replace humans; they serve them. Here’s a closer look.

The digitization of HR aims to optimize the use of data to adopt a predictive approach. In other words: to anticipate problems to solve them better. However, this does not mean that HR strategy is fully delegated to algorithms. On the contrary, algorithms are used to assist in decision-making and to enhance processes and the quality of service throughout the value chain, from recruitment to proactive employment and skills management.

Current digital tools allow HR professionals to focus on the most crucial aspects of their work by automating low added-value tasks. They can also improve employee experience by better anticipating their needs. By using data, it is thus possible to predict individual employee needs for training or mobility in order to personalize the responses given.

Optimizing Recruitment

Analyzing relevant data can be beneficial from the start of the recruitment process, as it can provide several hypotheses with a reasonable level of reliability by considering various factors. A concrete example of its application? Salary proposals. Indeed, when using predictive compensation, various elements are taken into account for both the candidate and the company. Artificial intelligence thus allows for the compilation and analysis of candidate information, such as skills, experience, age, education level, and current salary, as well as company-related information, such as its size, revenue, recruitment outlook for the current year, and payroll. It is also possible to include data related to the job market, particularly the demand for the position and its current value.

Analyzing this information with an algorithm can then provide a more objective estimate of the appropriate salary. However, this approach can also be applied to all compensation to limit wage inequalities. Beyond salary proposals, the algorithm also assists recruiters by allowing them to more accurately estimate the fit between the candidate and the position by analyzing their resume or the motivations expressed during the interview. The final output then takes the form of an objective grid on which the recruiter can rely to make their decision.

Anticipating the Needs of Employees

Predictive analysis is thus a valuable tool in the field of human resources, beneficial for both the company and the employee. For the employee, it allows for an assessment of their current skills, comparison with the expected skill set for their profession, and identification of the most suitable training for their needs. It can also enhance their employability in the medium and long term by anticipating changes in the profession and adapting the associated skills.

For the company, one of the main challenges is retaining its employees. In this area, analyzing data from feedback and social climate surveys can help define targeted actions to maintain team engagement.

Guide with K-NOW

K-NOW, a digital adoption platform, guides your teams in adopting your HRIS modules. Like an application GPS, it offers intelligent guidance, alerts, notifications, feedback, as well as onboarding and real-time guided tours… everything is in place for an easy and smooth user experience.

Adapting the organization

For a company that wants to effectively manage its operations, anticipation is key. First, it allows the identification of strengths and weaknesses within different employee groups using predefined performance indicators. Next, it supports the deployment of an ambitious workforce planning strategy by anticipating predictable departures, such as the number of retirements expected in a year or maternity leave requests. By combining internal company data with industry statistics, the organization can best position itself in its competitive landscape.

While these technologies are very useful for improving HR performance and saving time, their value lies in their contribution to strategic decisions. With the advent of the latest digital technologies, truly useful predictive HR has emerged. By selecting the most relevant data and maintaining control over decision-making, they can add real value to a company’s HR strategy and employee experience.

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